Forgot to post yesterday. Didn't draw anything I wanted to show anyway.
Here's a Sunday page of Flash Gordon from the back cover of Modern Wonder magazine published in 1939. I picked a bunch of these up from a market a few years ago although only three of them have a Flash page.
I wish the reprints had the same kind of quality... some pages in the collected volumes you can get are just shocking. Still, Alex Raymond's work still manages to shine through!
Nostalgia Press published some beautiful hardbacks of Raymond's Flash Gordon strips in the late sixties. They are in black and white and the printing is excellent. They often turn up on eBay...
well worth buying.
The original Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe cliffhanger serial is available for free from itunes. Just search for ACM podcasts.
I wish there were more easily available editions of his Rip Kirby stuff. I keep seeing gorgeous panels from that on this or that site/blog and wish there was a book.
Free associating now: I did see that someone's put out a fantastic edition of Noel Sickles art, with sketches and illos and including a run of Scorchy Smith. Very tempting
I've got the Noel Sickles book. It's really nice. Beautiful stuff, especially his illustration work rather than Scorchy Smith.
It's also ridiculously cheap for the weight of it.
(Hi Sean, long time no speak)
Eddie Campbell
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