Been working on CRIMINAL today but nothing I want to show yet. But I did receive some more pencilled pages from Rick Leonardi. They're great and I'm really looking forward to getting to ink them. Won't be till next week though, after I've finished this issue of CRIMINAL.
Hi Sean, Really enjoying your Blog!great to see the pencils and inked versions of your pages, the Rick L pages look excellent, and looking forward to seeing these inked.
i just found your blog and it's great. i'm a huge fan of your work. you're doing a great job on these leonardi pages (rick is another favorite of mine). if you have time at some point i'd love to see a step by step start to finish of one of your pages. i'm fascinated by that kind of crap. i can't wait for criminal. stay great!!!
I'll be posting a step by step of that Marvel Zombies spread next week.
sweet! thanks very much!
I was wondering... How long does it take you to finish an issue? It alwsys seems like you do a buttload of work and it's still so good. You're the man!
I try and do an issue of pencils and inks every three weeks. My fastest was 22 pages in 8 days and my slowest was the first issue of Sleeper which took 6 weeks.
And if you're taking requests Sean, ny chance of running the HOSTEES MEAT PIES ad in full please? F##ked if I'm going to ever buy an issue of WIZARD, even for that.
I'll try, Mark. I'm having trouble uploading files at the moment
sean,if you don't mind me asking, what was the issue you completed in 8 days?
Andy, an issue of Nightwing I did a couple of years ago. The script was late, and I was due to go away on holiday so I had to get it done before I left. They were eight very long days...
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