Monday, July 02, 2007

Just thumbnails and photo taking today. The parts of the process of drawing a comic I like most and least...


  1. Anonymous10:38 pm

    most and least? Can you explain more...

    R. Dirks

  2. The most enjoyable part for me is doing the thumbnails, figuring out the storytelling. The worst part is taking all that photoref. I usually average about 200 shots per issue. I hate doing it.

  3. Anonymous1:44 am

    do you always just use yourself as a model or do you get others to pose for you? Thanks again for this blog and letting us into your process!

    R. Dirks

  4. This comments is not related to the image you posted...
    I can't find Criminal on Marvel's Solicitations for September.
    Criminal #10 will ship in September or later?
