Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Marvel Zombies Two

Drew the first page of pencils today...


  1. Sean, thanks for posting a straight rough. Its useful to understand your process. How do you erase the blue marker in the final piece?

  2. The markers aren't light-fast, so they'll eventually fade from the artwork. For printing I just drop them out in Photoshop.

  3. Just wanted to chime in and say I'm a huge fan and thanks for being so diligent with this blog! Also for those markers you are talking about, I have only known about non-photo blue pencils, where would you suggest to get the markers? Thanks again!

  4. Thanks also from me Sean for posting your work in progress. As I said several time I'm checking daily this blog with both a fan and a student approach, I got a lots of several good advices /process I'm trying to apply to my comic work.

    Thanks really a lot and I hope to do not bother you a lot with some question I'm going to ask you from time to time

  5. Sean, What's the process for removing the blue after you've scanned in?

    I tend to print out light blue then scan in greyscale on a setting that doesn't pick up the blue. Just thinking though that you might get sharper lines if you scan in in colour then remove the blueline.

  6. I scan greyscale and use levels to drop out the pencils.
    I use Pantone colour markers and buy them by the dozen online.
