I'm finding it harder to post up non spoiler Marvel Zombies pics, so I thought I'd show some old stuff instead...
Here's the first two episodes of a terrible comic strip I did for a competition back when I was 17. Unsurprisingly, I didn't get anywhere in the competition as my entry was derivative tripe. I was really into Conan at the time and this is full of Buscema and Kane swipes. Actually, probably every figure and background was copied from somewhere. Obviously nowadays I don't do that, apart from the occasional 'homage'...
By the time I drew this I'd already been getting published for two years, pencilling for Ken Houghton who kindly lettered this strip for me. I don't remember him giving an opinion of it except to get me to redraw one particulary bad panel. If I can face it, I'll put the remaining episodes up this week...