Saturday, September 06, 2008

Point Blank cover

Did this yesterday...


  1. That was such a great series. Is there going to be a new one, or is this for a trade?

  2. I always liked the Grifter face-scarf, mask, thing. The eye details made it into one the Sleeper covers I recall.

    This will sit along those trades very nicely (as is no doubt intended).

    Hope the film happens, too.

  3. Never understodd the choice of Bisley first time around. Nice image but not at all appropriate. Nice cover!
    Hoping that they'll do new versions of the Sleeper trades as the first ones were pretty price prohibitive compared to the issues (though I know it was a labour of love all round) Figure with a bit of Cruise love, we could get a nice HC or somesuch.

  4. Lovely rendering of the guy's jacket.
