Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A Little Light Reading

As Will requested, here's close-ups of my bookshelves. I've only got my comic related books in my studio, comics are in longboxes in a cupboard and all my art, photography and design books are elsewhere in the house.


  1. Anonymous2:51 pm

    love your blog - amazed at how many books on your shelves match up with what's on my own - pictures that tick - mcginnis paperback covers - also love how you have all of you old work in binders
    thank you
    Larry Shuput

  2. Anonymous3:37 pm

    Oh... um... yikes.

    So, how many of those have you read?

  3. Hey, I'm an artist! I only look at the pictures...

  4. Anonymous5:59 pm

    That's brilliant. In the second photo, next to the Kid Eternity stuff... It looks just like the issue after the ones you did on Shade, when Mark Buckingham took over. There's a panel where he turns himself into a book in a library. I know I'm sad for knowing that but it looks so good..

  5. Anonymous8:48 pm

    Man, I am jealous. As I've gotten older, my studio has become smaller. Now I have a corner of a room that I share with the family computer.

    Oh well, in a few years the kids will be gone, and maybe then.....


  6. As a nosey bugger, I really enjoyed this post. In fact, one of the first things I do when I visit a house is to peruse any book shelves.

    Do you have your old work professionally bound, or are those box files?

  7. Anonymous11:31 am

    Those shelves look great, mine are all bowing in the middle. Where'd you get them from?

  8. Thank you very much! Exactly what I was after. Gotta love those Stray Bullets Hardcovers.
    And the Eclipse Zorros. (What were Image thinking sticking a random non Toth strip in there complete book)
    Thank you Sean!
