Monday, June 18, 2007

Criminal #8


  1. Really like this specific Criminal panels...all of them, together with the good Brubacker written part are able to tell us a mini story in just 3 panels.

    I like read criminal with this strip approach

  2. Anonymous9:27 pm

    FYI, neither Newsarama nor lists Criminal #10 (or any Icon book) in their Marvel solicitations for September. I'm already worried about not getting my Criminal fix for that month; I don't think I'm the only one either.

    And I must say that while I love Val Staples' moody colors with Criminal, these black and white panels look great on their own. It makes me wonder how Criminal collections would look in a black-and-white, digest-sized format.

    May Criminal go back to the printers often enough that we find out!

  3. September is a skip month for Criminal. I just needed some extra time to draw some more zombies...

  4. Anonymous12:40 pm

    I have no doubt it'll be worth the wait. :)
