Friday, December 22, 2006

Criminal for Free

The whole first issue of Criminal is available to read online at


  1. Anonymous1:55 pm

    Fer what it's worth, it looks like the digital copy is off-by-one in terms of page layout: page 1 is on the right instead of on the left in the two-page view.

    And I see that my theory about Criminal's page layout is down the tubes. For #1 and #2, the story begins on a left-hand page and ends on a right-hand page -- which means that a trade collection could go from issue to issue and maintain the original page layout without having either cover artwork or blank pages as fill-ins.

    Criminal #3, however, ends on the left.

    Was I overthinking things, Sean?

  2. The trade is going to be more like a European album and just run the story in a big chunk. They'll be no chapter breaks, so no covers or any of the back up stuff from the monthlies.
