Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Here's the pencils for half of page 44 of Seven Psychos done in blue marker as usual. The second panel has a couple of photos of Nuremberg printed out in pale blue. I'll ink straight over these, changing it to night and adding a rally in the distance...

Artist Caught In The Act!

Didn't actually do any drawing yesterday but did take some photo ref for Seven Psychos. This is one of the least embarrassing ones, for the first panel of page 44. I'm pencilling this scene today, so I'll post the pencils for this panel later...
BTW, the backwards baseball cap is to stop my hair casting unwanted shadows over my face.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Seven Psychos

Back to Seven Pyschos today. Here's thumbnails to the next batch of pages I'm drawing this week, actual size. After doing these I'll take any photo ref I need and find the ref I need for the buildings, etc.
This sequence involves a woman sniper on a rooftop in Nurenberg trying to assassinate Hitler. So I'll need ref of Hitler and the town of Nurenberg, a rally, and her rifle, hopefully all available via Google or the stack of books I've bought on WWII for this project. Tomorrow I might even show the photos I'll take of me for ref of the sniper...

More JLA Classified

Been inking some more of the supremely talented Rick Leonardi's pencils for JLA Classified this weekend. Here's his pencils and my inks for comparison..

Friday, May 26, 2006

Back to inking over Rick Leonardi on JLA Classified today...

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Top Secret!

Here's the first two panels from my new secret project. Only a few thousand panels to go...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Started on my new secret project today, but I can't show any pages from it until it's officially announced next month.
Luckily I received some pencil pages today by Rick Leonardi who I'm inking on another JLA Classified story. Here's one of his pages. I'll post up the inks when I've done them...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A whole page of Seven Psychos today...
A weird Hitler as Saviour vision thing.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Working on another batch of pages for Seven Psychos this week. Really pleased with this piece even though it took so long. In fact, the whole book is taking twice as long as I hoped. Most pages have nine or ten panels compared to the American average of five, so I should have took that into consideration I suppose...

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Star Wars

No work today, so here's a really cool piece by Tommy Lee Edwards...
I swapped a Sleeper page for this Star Wars sketch by Tommy last week in Bristol. Tommy had folders full of really nice paintings and drawings for sale. Some comics pages but mostly licensed stuff from Star Wars, Harry Potter and James Bond amongst others. I would have loved a painted piece, but I didn't have any painted pieces to swap so it didn't seem fair to ask.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Forgot to post yesterday, so here's the latest panel a day late. Another panel from Seven Psychos...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Seven Psychos

A few almost finished panels from Seven Psychos today...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Marvel Zombies...

The Marvel Zombies oversized hardcover is solicited today, out in August. Don't forget to get your copy!

Back from Bristol...

Had a great time at the Bristol Comic Festival. Drank too much and stayed up talking comics till dawn. Met some cool new people including Tommy Lee and Melissa Edwards, Geoff Johns and Arthur Suydam. Back to work today, and managed to pencil four pages. They're very rough, done in blue marker as usual, here's my favourite...

Friday, May 12, 2006

No Work Today...

Off in a couple of hours to the Comic Expo in Bristol for the weekend. I'll be signing and sketching for people and selling original artwork from Sleeper and Marvel Zombies, as well as copies of my art book Half Life. See you there...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Didn't actually finish even one panel today so as a special treat you get to see a work in progress.
I've been working on my French album today.
As I'm lettering the book as well as drawing it, I first make my panel borders and do the lettering in Illustrator. These are printed out in pale blue onto Bristol board. 'Pencilling' is done very loosely in pale blue marker so I don't get too hung up on details. Then I start inking, putting in the fine lines with a dip pen. Tomorrow I'll finish off with a brush, spotting the blacks.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Did manage some drawing today eventually. I'm doing an album for French publishers Delcourt, due out next year. Here's my favourite page so far... Pencilled a couple more today.


Should have spent the day working, but so far managed to spend too long on the phone to Duncan Fegredo while printing out my son's comic.
Jake, my twelve year old launched his first self-published comic at the last UK con in Brighton last year called ROBOY. After selling out of issue one the first day, he's produced issue two for this weekend's con in Bristol. He won't be coming with me this time so I'll be selling it for him and spending the profits on beer...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Extra! Extra!

Received a pile of old artwork in the mail over the weekend from an old friend I used to make comics with when I was a kid, David Holman.
In amongst the horrors was this unfinished page... The first page of this epic is in the Old Stuff section over at, but I don't even remember drawing this. I was 14 when we did this and I had my first pro work published the following year. I improved quite a lot in that year...


Just finished the last page with a few hours to spare.
At least I have the excuse of too little time for my pencilled pages, seems I didn't learn much from Jose after all. Enjoyed the inking though. Next inking job is over Rick Leonardi, another great artist whose pages I'll try not to spoil.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Three pages done, two more to do tomorrow and then I meet my deadline...

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Aaaaaah, Jose has the flu!!!!

With a very tight deadline looming, Jose has come down with the flu, so I now have to pencil and ink the last five pages by Tuesday. Here's the first completed page...

Friday, May 05, 2006

Still inking Jose today. Here's a panel I've only partially inked. Thought it would be interesting to show you Jose's pencils. Compared to a lot of modern comic artists, they are quite loose, leaving me with a few rendering decisions to make. The drawing is rock solid though, almost impossible for me to mess up. Jose seems to be able to draw anything from any angle with such grace and dynanism. Hope I'm learning something from studying his pages...

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Here's todays picture...
I've been inking Jose Luis Garcia Lopez on a story for JLA Classified published by DC Comics. I've never really inked many other artists and to be asked to ink Jose was both an honour and the scariest thing I've ever done in comics. After more than sixty pages inked I still feel like I'm spoiling every one...

Good intentions...

Welcome to my new blog. You've probably gotten here from my revamped website. I plan on this place being a companion piece to there, hopefully updated more often.

My website was built by my fifteen year old son Fred. I'd just like to say thankyou to him for doing such a good job considering he had such a fussy client. I'm very proud of him.

Every working day I'll post an example of what I've been working on that day. a favourite panel or cover or sometimes a whole page of comics.